University of Kansas, Spring 2010
Philosophy 800: Tutorial

Tutorial—preliminary notice

September 25, 2009

About this document

I plan to have this page posted here while I work on the syllabus. Once I have the syllabus posted on this web site (, I may delete this page.

Course overview

The purpose of this course, as stated in KU’s graduate catalog, is to provide “[i]ntensive supervised training in the techniques of research.” My main priorities will be to develop your ability to write about philosophical issues and texts. This activity obviously requires, in normal practice, the ability to read and analyze philosophical texts, so we will work on that a lot, too.

This course is open only to first-year graduate students in Philosophy, and is required of all of them.

The course will meet weekly, on Friday afternoons from 2:30 to 4:20, and I’ll also periodically meet with each student individually.

There won’t be any books you’ll have to buy for this course, and I won’t ask the bookstore to order any.

The content of the course will closely resemble the content of the Tutorial course I taught in the Spring 2009 semester. For more information on that course, see the web site I set up for that course, at