University of Pittsburgh, Summer Term 1998
Ben Eggleston, Instructor
Philosophy 0320—CRN 01205: Social Philosophy (writing)
mailbox: CL 1001—office: CL 1428E
Mondays, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., in CL 340
office hours: Sundays and Mondays, 4:45 p.m. to
5:45 p.m.
Quiz no. 4, make-up no. 1
July 12, 1998
On the front of this sheet of paper, answer each of the following questions.
Provide a distinct answer for each question, numbering your answers as
you proceed. Before turning in your quiz, fold this sheet of paper in half,
lengthwise (i.e., so that the crease goes from top to botton, down the
middle), and write your name on the back. Only answers written on the front
will influence your grade, and nothing written on the front should reveal
your identity.
- According to Mill, what consequence of self-government makes it necessary
to limit the government’s power?
- What is the main idea of the principle that Mill says he wants to assert
in On Liberty?
- What does Mill say is the basis for any justified confidence people
have in the beliefs on the basis of which they act?
- What are the two main kinds of conduct that Mill says is obligatory?
- What is Mill’s reply to the objection that irresponsible self-regarding
conduct should be prohibited because it sets a bad example for others?
- What two reasons does Mill give against the government’s taking responsibility
for providing some public good even if it can provide it more effectively
than individuals can?