University of Pittsburgh, Summer Term 1997
Philosophy 0330: Political Philosophy
Ben Eggleston, Instructor
Hume, “Of the Origin of Government” and “Of the Original Contract”
I. Background Information
David Hume was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1711. By his thirtieth
birthday, he had already published his A Treatise of Human Nature,
which today is his most closely studied work. But his contemporaries paid
more attention to his essays, on which he worked throughout his life. “Of
the Original Contract” first appeared in 1748, and though Hume was denied
a position in the philosophy department of the University of Edinburgh
(apparently for his religious skepticism), he obtained a job as the university’s
law librarian in 1753. His essays brought him fame and wealth in both Britain
and France, and he retired comfortably. “Of the Origin of Government” was
first published in 1777, a year after Hume’s death.
These two essays are best understood with some recollection of the political
philosophies which had currency in Hume’s time. As one might surmise from
the inconvenience Hume suffered for his religious skepticism, religious
views of political obligation were still widely held, and the divine-right-of-kings
theory was prominent. But in 1690 Locke had published his social-contract
theory, according to which government was made legitimate by the consent
of the governed. The clash between these theories was the context in which
Hume wrote.
II. Reading Assignment
- “Of the Origin of Government” and “Of the Original Contract”
III. Study Questions
- According to Hume, for what purpose do human beings endeavor to establish
political society?
- What duty does Hume cite as a support to the duty of justice?
- Why does Hume think that humans are more likely to be obedient to rulers
commanding justice than to be just when obedience is not at stake?
- What scenario does Hume describe as the probable origin of the first
- On what does Hume say the authority of the civil magistrate is founded?
- According to Hume, is the authority of a free government more or less
than the authority of a monarch?
- With the claim “A constable, therefore, no less than a king, acts by
divine commission, and possesses an indefeasible right,” Hume concludes
a passage discussing the divine-right-of-kings theory of political authority.
Is this passage essentially sympathetic or unsympathetic to this theory,
and what is the main idea of Hume’s defense or criticism of it?
- According to Hume, do most subjects think of themselves (as Locke said
they should) as obligated to obey their rulers only insofar as their rulers
provide justice and protection?
- What does Hume say was the original basis for, and has been the source
of changes in, most existing governments?
- Does Hume reject Locke’s view that consent is a valid source of political
- In Hume’s view, do people think that someone who has ruled for a long
time thereby acquires the right to rule?
- What is Hume’s reply to the claim that people who remain in a country
show that they consent to the way it is being ruled?
- According to Hume, why is it problematic to derive the duty of allegiance
(i.e., obeying) from the duty of fidelity (i.e., keeping one’s promises)?
- According to Hume, what is the source of the duty of allegiance?
- What does Hume say should determine the object of a people’s allegiance?
IV. Outline of Topics to be Covered in Class
- Who was Hume?
- “Of the Origin of Government”
- “Of the Original Contract”
- divine-right-of-kings theory
- social-contract theory
- historical fact
- general opinion
- bases of legitimacy
- promising as extraneous
- object of obedience
V. Suggestions for Further Reading
- A. J. Ayer, Hume (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980) (Hillman
circulating B1498 A95 1980b).
- Stephen Priest, The British Empiricists: Hobbes to Ayer (London:
Penguin Books, 1990) (Hillman circulating B816 P7 1990), particularly “Hume:
Politics: The Social Contract,” pp. 171-72.
- Anthony Kenny, Oxford History of Western Philosophy (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1994) (Hillman reference B72 O8 1994b), pp. 326-27.