University of Kansas, Spring 2004
Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

chapter 3: a preview


To prepare for reading chapter 3, think about the following three things (which may seem out of left field now, but which will come in handy as you read the chapter):


1. Most people think that making a correct moral judgment is a lot harder than correctly reporting your own feelings. The latter is typically very easy, but the former often takes careful thought, judgment, etc.


2. Most people think that when one person says that a certain thing, such as lying, is wrong, and another person says that it is not wrong, then they are saying incompatible things. We may not know who’s right, but we feel confident that they can’t both be right.


3. Most people think that not just any statement that causes someone to believe a certain statement is a legitimate reason for that statement. For example, if someone named Karl believes that (X) playing sports is not an appropriate activity for women to engage in, and therefore believes that (Y) women should not have the same access to college athletic opportunities as men have, most people would still not say that X is a legitimate reason in support Y—even if it is Karl’s reason for believing Y.