University of Kansas, Fall 2003
Philosophy 160: Introduction to Ethics

Ballot for readings for December 8 and 10

Here are the options for the readings for the last two days of the course. The ones not by Singer are available online; specific instructions for accessing and printing them will be provided. Vote for as many of the five options as you want, without rank ordering them; the top two vote-getters will be our readings for the last two classes. To vote for an option, circle the number to the left of its description.

1 chapter 9 of Practical Ethics, which claims that affluent countries' immigration policies are too restrictive
2 chapter 10 of Practical Ethics, which claims that the natural environment ought to be protected only to the extent required by the goal of protecting the interests of sentient beings such as humans and certain animals
3 a paper called “Licensing Parents,” by Hugh Lafollette, which claims that the government should require people to get licenses in order to be parents (as, say, it requires people to get licenses in order to drive cars)
4 a paper called “Drunk Driving,” by Bonnie Steinbock, which claims that in certain cases, causing death by drunk driving is not merely criminal negligence or manslaughter, but is second-degree murder, and ought to be punished accordingly
5 a paper called “A Policy Perspective,” by Bonnie Steinbock, which claims that Megan’s Law—requiring the police to notify people of any sex offenders who move into their neighborhoods—does not actually protect children significantly and also creates a risk of “vigilante justice”