Washington and Lee University, Spring 2002
Philosophy 101: Problems of Philosophy
Ben Eggleston—EgglestonB@wlu.edu
Class notes: meta-ethics
The following notes correspond
roughly to what we cover, including at least a portion of what I put on the
board or the screen, in class. In places they may be more or less comprehensive than what we
actually cover in class, and should not be taken as a substitute for your own
observations and records of what goes on in class.
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EMP, chapter 2: “The Challenge of Cultural
- section 2.1: “How Different Cultures Have Different
Moral Codes”
- Callatians and Greeks, Eskimos
- what to notice: that moral codes can vary, to a
surprising extent, from one culture to the next
- section 2.2: “Cultural Relativism”
- Rachels gives six statements that relate to
cultural relativism. Although he doesn’t make this explicit in
this section, the fourth and fifth best capture the idea of cultural
- Rachels mentions that cultural relativism
“challenges our ordinary belief in the objectivity and
universality of moral truth” (p. 22). This is an important idea
that will come up in the next chapter as well.
- section 2.3: “The Cultural Differences Argument”
- This is the main argument for cultural relativism.
Its premises are (1) different cultures have different moral beliefs
and (2) these differences show that there are no universally correct
moral standards. (And the conclusion, of course, is the thesis of
cultural relativism: there are no universally correct moral
standards, but only culturally relative ones.) Note then, that the
bare fact of cultural differences is only part of an argument for
cultural relativism, not proof all by itself. Another premise,
relating these cultural differences to morality itself, is needed.
- That premise was stated above as “(2) these
differences show that there are no universally correct moral
standards.” This is pretty much how Rachels presents it. But to
make this more rigorous, and to make the underlying thought of the
argument more explicit, the second premise should be stated like
this: “(2) The best explanation for these differences is that
there are no universally correct moral standards.”
- An objection to this argument can be generated by
substituting something for ‘moral beliefs’, such as ‘beliefs
about whether the world is flat or round’ or ‘beliefs about
arithmetic’. If people disagreed about these things, would we
conclude that cultural relativism is true for these areas of
thought, too? (Would the lack of some fact of the matter about these
things be the best explanation of this disagreement?) Or wouldn’t we just conclude that some people make
mistakes about these areas of thought? (That is, wouldn’t we just
conclude that the best explanation for this disagreement is not that
there is no fact of the matter, but that some people don’t have
all the facts?)
- Another objection to this argument can be
generated by leaving the phrase ‘moral beliefs’ alone, and
substituting something for ‘cultures’, such as ‘persons’.
The resulting argument would imply that morality is relative not to
cultures, but to individual persons. So if the cultural relativist
accepts the form of the cultural-differences argument, it is unclear
why he or she draws the line at cultures, and concludes with the
doctrine of cultural relativism, instead of going further, to
individual persons, and concluding with a doctrine that might be
called individual relativism.
- section 2.4: “The Consequences of Taking Cultural
Relativism Seriously”
- If cultural relativism were true, then all of the
following would be true as well:
- We could have no logical basis for saying that
the customs of one society are morally superior to those of
- Why does this follow from cultural
relativism? Because if cultural relativism is true, then
there is no objective standard by which to judge various
cultures. There are only the standards that obtain within
each culture.
- Why is this problematic? Because we often
want to evaluate the relative merits of various societies’
customs, and feel as if we could have some logical basis for
doing so, if we thought carefully, collected all the facts,
etc. But cultural relativism pronounces any such endeavor as
misconceived from the start.
- All you need to do to see how you ought to
behave is to see what your own culture says about how you ought
to behave; and you cannot (logically) make any moral criticism
of your own culture’s norms or practices.
- Why does this follow from cultural
relativism? Because if cultural relativism is true, then the
only available standard is a culturally relative one: that
of one’s own culture. Thus your moral obligations are
entirely and conclusively specified by your culture’s
practices; and it would make no sense to say, “Some of our
culture’s practices are immoral,” since this would (if
cultural relativism were true) be equivalent to “Some of
our culture’s practices are not allowed by our culture’s
norms”—and it is hard o see how one could logically say
- Why is this problematic? Two reasons.
First, we do not think that ascertaining what we ought to do
is as easy as just seeing what our culture says we ought to
do; rather, we think it’s harder, and involves critical
reflection on the norms of our own culture (instead of just
taking them for granted). Second, we often think that there
must be a way to “step outside” of one’s own culture
and evaluate it from an objective standpoint. But, as
before, cultural relativism pronounces such an endeavor as
- Moral progress never occurs.
- Why does this follow from cultural
relativism? Because the very idea of moral progress involves
(it seems) comparing two cultures, or one culture at two
different times (which we’ll regard as two different
cultures), and judging one to be better than the other. But
if (as cultural relativism maintains) there is no standpoint
outside of a given culture for judging its norms and
practices, then there is no standpoint for making such a
cross-cultural comparison. (Notice that cultural relativism
does not, then, deny that what we regard as moral progress
has actually taken place; it just denies that such events
can logically be labeled “progress,” or with any term of
praise or condemnation.)
- Why is this problematic? Because we are
inclined to regard certain changes as constituting progress,
and others as regressions, and still others as morally
neutral changes. But, again, cultural relativism says there
is no logical room for such evaluations, no standpoint from
which they can be made.
- The fact that cultural relativism has these
problematic implications suggests that it clashes with several
intuitions we have about the kinds of moral judgments it’s
possible to make and what it takes to make them. This may be a
reason to reject it (or it may be a reason to reject all of the
intuitions it clashes with).
- section 2.5: “Why There Is Less Disagreement Than It
- Customs and norms result from both values and
factual beliefs. Sometimes, a difference in norms can appear to
indicate a difference in values, but actually reflects only a
difference in factual beliefs.
- To see the relevance of this to cultural
relativism, recall that the cultural differences argument begins
with the premise that different cultures have different moral
beliefs. If this apparent difference in moral beliefs comes to seem
doubtful or less extensive than it seemed at first, then a premise
of the cultural differences argument will be weakened.
- section 2.6: “How All Cultures Have Some Values in
- Cultures cannot persist without certain kinds of
behavior being prevalent, such as caring for infants, respecting
persons’ lives, and telling the truth. So, almost as a matter of
anthropological fact, there are certain limits to how much practices
can vary from one culture to another.
- The relevance of this to cultural relativism is
roughly the same as before: since the cultural differences argument
begins with the premise that different cultures have different moral
beliefs, limits on how varied cultures’ moral beliefs can be have
the effect of limiting the support for cultural relativism.
- section 2.7: “Judging a Cultural Practice to be
- Rachels describes a girl fleeing her society
because of its practice of excision. Suppose you knew this girl and
were advising her. Would you tell her that the practice is right,
because it’s an integral part of the culture? Or would you
evaluate the practice by some standard that is independent of the
culture of which it is a part?
- Rachels proposes that the practice can be
evaluated without resorting to a culture-neutral standard of right
and wrong, by appealing to a standard having to do with promoting or
hindering the welfare of the everyone affected. The important thing
to appreciate here is not the specific content of the standard
Rachels proposes, but his continuation of the considerations of
sections 2.5 and 2.6: here, the thought that our disagreement with
societies that practice excision is not a disagreement in values,
but a disagreement in beliefs about matters of fact (specifically,
how the practice affects individuals’ welfare).
- Judging a cultural practice to be undesirable
should not be confused with (1) thinking that we should intervene,
such as in diplomatic or military ways, in order to get the practice
stopped, (2) refusing to be tolerant towards practices we regard as
undesirable, or (3) judging the entire culture of which it is a part
to be a bad culture. So, one can reject cultural relativism without
being committed to intervention, intolerance, or judging an entire
culture negatively.
- section 2.8: “What Can Be Learned from Cultural
- Not all our preferences, or even all the moral
judgments we take very seriously, are based on an absolute rational
standard. Many of them—perhaps most of them—may be based on
accidental features of our culture. (Where cultural relativism goes
wrong is in assuming that all of them are like this.)
- It is necessary to keep an open mind about moral
questions, and be willing to reconsider our moral beliefs.
- Note that neither of these “lessons” of
cultural relativism requires us to subscribe to cultural relativism
itself—Rachels’s point is that one can reject cultural
relativism while still profiting from the above “lessons.”
>EMP, chapter 3: “Subjectivism in Ethics”
- section 3.1: “The Basic Idea of Ethical
- The basic idea of ethical subjectivism is that our
moral opinions are based on our feelings, and on nothing more. In
other words, it is the view that moral judgments do not reflect
facts about the world, but reflect only our feelings about facts
about the world.
- The feelings that we have about various various
issues, and the moral opinions that result, may be based on some
view of the facts of a given situation, but (according to a
subjectivist) there are no moral facts for our moral opinions to
match up with or get wrong.
- Like cultural relativism, this not a theory of
what’s right and what’s wrong; rather, it’s a meta-ethical
theory: an account of the nature of morality. Cultural relativism
says morality is relative to each culture; subjectivism goes further
and says that it’s relative to each individual.
- So stated, the theory is rather vague. Beginning
in section 3.3, we’ll consider two versions of subjectivism.
- section 3.2: “The Evolution of the Theory”
- The two versions of subjectivism we’ll consider
come in a certain order.
- One of them was proposed first, but then
objections to it led certain philosophers, sympathetic to
subjectivism but aware of the difficulties with the first version,
to propose another.
- section 3.3: “The First Stage: Simple
- According to simple subjectivism, when a person
makes a moral judgment, he or she is stating or reporting
his or her feelings of approval and disapproval. For example, “X
is good” means something like “I approve of X.”
- One objection to this view is that it makes making
correct moral judgments look like a much easier endeavor than we
believe it to be. For if (1) “X is good” means nothing more than
(2) “I approve of X,” then one can make a correct moral judgment
(such as statement 1) as easily as one can make a correct report of
one’s feelings (such as statement 2). But we tend to think that
it’s much harder, and requires much more thought, to come up with
correct moral judgments than it is to come up with correct reports
of one’s feelings. As a result, simple subjectivism ends up giving
an account of moral judgment that is at odds with something we think
we know about what it takes to make a correct moral judgment.
(Rachels puts this in terms of infallibility, but I find this a
little misleading.)
- A second objection to this view is that it denies
that moral disagreement is present in many circumstances in which we
would think, intuitively, that it is present. For example, if
Falwell says (1) “Homosexuality is immoral” and Bradley says (2)
“Homosexuality is not immoral,” then we would take them to be
disagreeing: we would take them to be saying things that can’t
both be true at once. But according to simple subjectivism, what
Falwell is saying has the same meaning as (3) “I [Falwell]
disapprove of homosexuality” and what Bradley is saying has the
same meaning as (4) “I [Bradley] do not disapprove of
homosexuality.” And statements 3 and 4 can both be true at once!
So simple subjectivism implies that two statements we regard as not
capable of both being true at once (1 and 2) actually mean the same
things as two statements that can both be true at once (3 and 4).
(For clarification: What does Rachels mean when he says “changing
the subject” (p. 41.5)?)
- section 3.4: “The Second Stage: Emotivism”
- In response to the difficulties with simple
subjectivism, another, more sophisticated, version of subjectivism,
emotivism, has been proposed. According to emotivism, when a person
makes a moral judgment, he or she is expressing his or her
feelings of approval and disapproval. For example, “X is good”
means something like “Yay, X!”
- The difference between simple subjectivism and
emotivism depends on the difference between stating or reporting
something and expressing it. Unlike statements or reports of
attitudes, expressions of attitudes are neither true nor false,
neither correct nor incorrect.
- This subtle difference between simple subjectivism
and emotivism enables the latter to avoid being vulnerable to the
two objections to the former we considered earlier:
- The first objection was that simple
subjectivism makes making correct moral judgments look a lot
easier than we believe it to be. But emotivism avoids this
implication, by denying that moral judgments can be correct or
incorrect at all.
- The second objection was that simple
subjectivism fails to regard, as disagreement, two people whom
we, intuitively, would regard as disagreeing. Emotivism accounts
for this disagreement by distinguishing between (1) disagreement
about facts and (2) disagreement in attitude and regarding moral
disagreement as disagreement of the second kind.
- section 3.5: “Emotivism, Reason, and ‘Moral
Facts’ ”
- According to emotivism, any consideration that
influences someone’s attitudes counts as a reason. But this admits,
into the class of things regarded as reasons for moral judgments,
many things that we intuitively would not think count as reasons. So
emotivism seems to offer an inadequate account of the connection
between reason and moral judgment.
- As a middle ground between any subjectivist view
and the view that there are moral facts that are just like “facts
about stars and planets,” Rachels proposes that we regard a moral
judgment as true if it is supported by the strongest reasons.
- section 3.6: “Are There Proofs in Ethics?”
- Subjectivist views may seem appealing because we
seem to have much more trouble finding convincing proofs for ethical
truths than for truths in other fields, such as the sciences. This
suggests to many people that there is are no ethical truths to be
- But what about the “proofs” of “ethical
truths” that Rachels offers? Are these proofs, or could one accept
their premises and reach different conclusions?
- The thought that ethical truths can be proved
becomes easier to accept when one
- stops holding proofs in ethics to an overly
demanding standard
- observes that although there are many
contentious ethical issues on which people persistently
disagree, there are also many on which there is wide agreement
- distinguishes proof from persuasion, and does
not mistake the absence of the latter for the absence of the
- section 3.7: “The Question of Homosexuality”
- Rachels presents a set of considerations in
defense of his view that homosexuality is not immoral.
- It is important to see that Rachels’s main
purpose is not to convince us that homosexuality is not
immoral—though he does believe this—but to demonstrate how he
thinks ethical truths, such as the moral acceptability of
homosexuality, can be proved.
- EMP, chapter 4: “Does Morality Depend on
- section 4.1: “The Presumed Connection between
Morality and Religion”
- Rachels writes that “People commonly believe
that morality can be understood only in the context of religion”
(p. 34). What does this mean? Does it mean that a non-religious
person cannot have moral beliefs?
- What is the connection between (1) the
“meaning” given to life by most religious viewpoints and (2)
- section 4.2: “The Divine Command Theory”
- This is the most important section in the chapter.
In this section, Rachels’s strategy is to argue against this
theory of morality by
- claiming that this theory has two possible
- arguing that each interpretation is
problematic in some way
- concluding that the overall theory is
problematic as well
- The general theory is the thought that what is
right is what God commands (or has commanded), and what is wrong is
what God forbids (or has forbidden). The attractions of this theory
are that it (1) provides a non-relativist, non-subjectivist account
of morality (2) answers the question of what reason one has to be
moral (answer: because God will reward you if you are, and punish
you if you are not).
- The first interpretation of this theory is that
what is right is right because God commands it. That is,
God’s commanding something is what makes it right. But this
theory (i.e., this interpretation of the divine-command theory) has
two problematic implications.
- The first problematic implication is that no
matter what God commands, it’s right—even if God were to
command us to be greedy, dishonest, or murderous. For if God’s
commanding something is sufficient to make it right (which is
what the theory claims), then there’s nothing that we could
(logically) refuse to regard as right, if it were to turn out to
be commanded by God.
- The second problematic implication is that the
claim that God is good ceases to be a statement of praise and
becomes a mere tautology, since this theory denies us any
vantage point from which we can logically praise God’s
commands as wise, or God himself as good. For if whatever God
commands is necessarily right, then there’s no way God could
possibly have ever commanded anything wrong, and there’s no
error that God has steered clear of in commanding what he has
commanded. Another way of seeing this point is to observe that
if this interpretation of the divine-command theory is taken to
be correct, then to claim that God’s commands are good
is nothing more than to claim that they are consistent with
God’s commands. And this is no praise at all. (It’s not a
complaint, either; it’s just a morally neutral observation.
The point is that this interpretation of the divine-command
theory makes it logically impossible to morally judge God at
- The second interpretation of the divine-command
theory is that God commands what is right because it is right.
This interpretation avoids the first problematic implication of the
previous interpretation by viewing God’s commands as being based
on what’s antecedently right and wrong; and it avoids the second
problematic implication of the previous interpretation by viewing
God himself as an extremely reliable, indeed infallible, reporter of
what’s good and right (which presumably is a pretty good
- The problem with this interpretation, for many
religiously minded people, is that it denies God any role in
determining the content of morality. If the content of morality
is determined independently of God’s will, then he is in no
way the “author” of morality, but just a very helpful guide
to it.
- Despite this shortcoming in this
interpretation of God’s will, it is widely viewed as more
acceptable than the first interpretation, since the first
interpretation makes it tautologous to call God good (and most
people are loathe to give up the intuition that God can be praised
as good).
- section 4.3: “The Theory of Natural Law”
- This theory may be seen as one version, indeed the
most fully developed version, of the second interpretation of the
divine-command theory. It can be understood in terms of three main
- The first component is a theory of what the
world is like. According to this theory, the world was
rationally constructed by God, and has values and purposes built
into it. For example, God made animals as resources for humans,
plants as food for animals (and also humans), and rain for the
sake of plants (and animals and humans, presumably). This theory
is, of course, completely incompatible with the modern
scientific worldview of everything in nature as just there, with
no scheme or plan built into it; and this incompatibility
between this component of natural-law theory and the modern
scientific worldview makes many people skeptical of this
component of natural-law theory.
- The second component of the theory of natural
law is the thought that the purposes things are designed by God
to serve are the purposes they ought to serve; and that
any deviation from these purposes is bad. This sort of thinking
has been taken to lead to such conclusions as (1) people ought
to be helpful to one another, because it’s clear from the way
humans are designed that they were meant to live cooperatively
and (2) people ought not to have non-procreative sex, because
the true, legitimate purpose of sex is procreation. The leading
objection to this component of natural-law theory is that it
seems not to have adequate reason for its claims of how things ought
to be just on the basis of its observations of how things are.
(Rachels mentions that a second objection rests on the
incompatibility of natural-law theory with the modern scientific
worldview, but I think this makes more sense as an objection to
the first component of the view, as noted above.)
- The third component of the theory of natural
law has to do with how we know what’s right and wrong. It is
the claim that we know what’s right and wrong through the
exercise of our reason: that God has endowed each of us with the
capacity to detect what’s right and wrong, and to act
- This theory should be viewed as a version of the
second interpretation of the divine-command theory because it regards
reason as prior to God’s will—it regards God as having created
the world in accord with reason and values rather than regarding
them as simply derivative of God’s will.
- section 4.4: “Christianity and the Problem of
- Here Rachels moves from the very abstract
natural-law theory to a specific religion and a specific issue.
- What does Christian scripture say about abortion?
- First, there is a passage in the book of
Jeremiah in which Jeremiah quotes God as having said that he
“consecrated” him even before he was born. It should be
noted, though, that the context is not about abortion, or the
status of fetuses, at all.
- Second, in the 21st chapter of Exodus, we
learn that in the law of the ancient Israelites, the
penalty for murder was death, but the penalty for causing a
woman to have a miscarriage was only a fine. The separate (and
lesser) penalty for ending the development of a fetus suggests
that this was not regarded as murder, and that fetuses were not
accorded full human status.
- What does the Christian tradition say about
- St. Thomas Aquinas (12th century) maintained
that an embryo did not have a soul until it was several weeks
old, and the church officially adopted this view in 1312.
- But the in the 17th century, the church
adopted the view that the fetus is just a very tiny person, with
the same status as (other) actual people.
- Although modern biological knowledge disproves
this view, the church has maintained the moral prohibition on
- Rachels’s point: the Christian scriptures' and
tradition's uncertain answers to these questions should make us wary
of thinking that religion can be an adequate source of moral
guidance and judgment.
- EMP, chapter 5: “Psychological Egoism”
- section 5.1: “Is Unselfishness Possible?”
- This question is important because just about
every moral theory tells us that it is, from time to time, our duty
to be unselfish. If this is not possible, then the whole project of
normative ethics will falter on an overly optimistic view of human
- Psychological egoism is the view that people act
only in ways that they believe are consistent with maximally
advancing their own interests.
- section 5.2: “The Strategy of Reinterpreting
- An obvious apparent objection to psychological
egoism is the claim that people do things for altruistic reasons all
the time (or, at least, pretty often). In response to this, the
standard reply of the psychological egoist is to impute to the
person some other, essentially selfish, motivation. Hobbes went so
far as to provide psychological-egoistic interpretations of charity
and pity:
- He said that charity, in all cases, is
enjoyable to us because it demonstrates our superiority over
those to whom we are charitable.
- He said that that pity is ultimately
self-interested because it reflects our fear of suffering
- It should be noted that this strategy, however
plausible one may find it, only proves that psychological egoism is
possible: it does not show that it’s true. That is, it shows only
that one may be able to interpret all behavior as
self-interested; it does not show that the self-interested
interpretation of all behavior is the best one.
- section 5.3: “Two Arguments in Favor of
Psychological Egoism”
- first argument
- Here’s one representation of the first
- Whenever people act, they do what they
most want to do.
- Whenever people do what they most want to
do, they act selfishly.
- Therefore, whenever people act, they act
- There are two problems with this argument.
- First, the first premise is false: people
do not always do what they most want to do. Sometimes,
people do what they feel obligated to do instead of what
they most want to do. For example, it would make perfectly
good sense for a person to say, “I want to go to the
movies, but I promised my roommate I’d help her with her
math homework.” And although it is open to the
psychological egoist to claim that such a person would be
speaking colloquially, or in a logically imprecise way,
most people would not join the psychological egoist in
claiming this.
- Second, the second premise is false: doing
what one most wants does not mean that one is acting
selfishly. If what you most want to do is to deliver meals
to shut-ins, then most people would say that having this
desire is the sort of thing that makes one an unselfish
person, and that acting on it is unselfish action.
- Because of these objections, this argument has
few supporters.
- second argument
- Here’s one representation of the second
- Whenever people act in apparently selfless
ways, they derive satisfaction from acting in those ways.
- If a person derives satisfaction from
acting in some way, then acting in that way is selfish.
- Therefore, whenever people act in
apparently selfless ways, they are acting selfishly.
- The first premise may be false, but let’s
ignore that. The essential problem with this argument lies in
its second premise. As before, if someone desires to help other
people and happens to derive satisfaction from that, then does
that make his action selfish? Or, rather, is the desire to help
other people, and the satisfaction that results from the
satisfaction of that sort of desire, the mark of an unselfish
- section 5.4: “Clearing Away Some Confusions”
- There are some confusions on which the apparent
plausibility of psychological egoism may rest.
- One is the confusion between selfishness and
self-interest. Earlier Rachels argued that not all behavior is
selfish. Here his point is that even if all behavior is
something similar to selfish—namely, self-interested—that
would not mean that all behavior is also selfish, since self-interest
is different from selfishness.
- Another is the confusion between acting
self-interestedly and acting in pursuit of pleasure for oneself.
Sometimes, people act in pursuit of pleasure for themselves in
ways that actually harm themselves.
- Once these confusions are cleared up,
psychological egoism may lose some of its appeal.
- section 5.5: “The Deepest Error in Psychological
- The deepest error of psychological egoism is to
fail to be testable, or falsifiable. For an analogy, consider a
psychiatrist who believes that someone is insane, and who persists
in interpreting all of someone’s behavior as evidence of insanity,
regardless of how sane the person may seem to others who are not
guided by the hypothesis that the patient is insane. The
psychiatrist’s hypothesis is not testable or falsifiable, since
the doctor does not regard his hypothesis as being tested against
observable facts, or falsifiable by certain behaviors of the patient
(such as plainly sane behavior). The claim that someone is insane
must be testable; otherwise it provides no information at all.
- Similarly, psychological egoism must be testable
if it is to be regarded as informative. Otherwise, it is just a
decision to use the concept of self-interest to encompass all of
human behavior, instead of an assertion that human behavior has a
property (that of being governed by self-interested) that we
didn’t realize it had.
- To see this (and here we go a bit beyond where
Rachels goes), imagine someone holding a view that we might call
psychological altruism: the view that people act
only in ways that they believe are consistent with maximally
advancing others’ interests. A psychological altruist could be
just as relentless in interpreting individuals’ motives as
altruistic as a psychological egoist might be in interpreting
individuals’ motives as egoistic. The fact that the strategy of
reinterpreting motives could lead to such a stalemate shows that it
is not a source of good reasons for a psychological theory.