var Answer_A = "Each version of the divine-command theory is false." var Answer_B = "One version of the divine-command theory is false, but the other one is true." var Answer_C = "You have to choose one verison or the other (or neither), and each version has some problems." var Answer_D = "You can endorse both versions of the theory, but then you have to accept all the costs of both versions." var Feedback_A = "Wrong - Rachels is not saying they are both false. He is just identifying problems with each one." var Feedback_B = "Wrong - Rachels does not say that one of them is false, just that each has problems." var Feedback_C = "Right. Rachels is just trying to lay out the options (and their flaws) for someone interested in basing morality on religion." var Feedback_D = "Wrong - he is not saying you can endorse both versions. On the contrary, you have to choose between them (or reject them both)." var Question = "In identifying problematic implications of each of the two versions of the divine-command theory, Rachels is saying which of the following?" var Question_number = "5"