var Answer_A = "God does not exist." var Answer_B = "“Good is good” is false." var Answer_C = "“God is good” is no more of a compliment than “God’s commands are in accordance with God's commands.”" var Answer_D = "Although “God is good” remains true, God is neither all-powerful nor all-knowing." var Feedback_A = "Wrong - this is not implied by either interpretation of the divine-command theory." var Feedback_B = "Wrong - it implies something odd about “God is good,” but not this." var Feedback_C = "Right - it changes the meaning of “God is good” so that it is no longer a compliment, or a statement of praise." var Feedback_D = "Wrong - it says nothing about God’s omnipotence or omniscience." var Question = "What is the second problematic implication of the first interpretation of the divine-command theory that Rachels mentions?" var Question_number = "3"