University of Kansas, Fall 2010
Philosophy 670: Contemporary Ethical Theory


September 24, 2010:

Today I sent the following e-mail message to all enrolled students:

From: Eggleston, Ben
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 2:52 PM
To: PHIL670 (35303) Fa10 - DL
Subject: reminder: bring hard copy of paper to meeting next week

Hi everybody,

I'm just writing to remind you to bring a hard copy of your paper to your meeting with me next week, so that you will have a copy on which to make notations about specific parts of the text as we go over it.


Professor Eggleston

Ben Eggleston
3071 Wescoe Hall
(785) 864-2332
mailing address:
Department of Philosophy
3090 Wescoe Hall
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045

August 27, 2010:

Today I sent the following e-mail message to all enrolled students:

From: Eggleston, Ben
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 2:53 PM
To: PHIL670 (35303) Fa10 - DL
Subject: paper assignments and tests

Hi everybody,

I've had a couple of inquiries about what the paper assignments and tests will be like, and when the first paper assignment will be handed out. The assignments and tests will probably be similar to the ones from when I taught this course last fall. To see the web site for that class, go to (That is the same as the URL for this year except that the '1' from last year has been changed to a '2' for this year.)

I'll post the first paper assignment to our course web site ( and hand it out in class by Monday, September 13.


Professor Eggleston

Ben Eggleston
3071 Wescoe Hall
(785) 864-2332
mailing address:
Department of Philosophy
3090 Wescoe Hall
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045

August 2, 2010:

Today I sent the following e-mail message to all enrolled students:

From: Eggleston, Ben
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 10:19 AM
To: PHIL670 (35303) Fa10 - DL
Subject: Contemporary Ethical Theory preliminary information

Hi everybody,

I hope your summer is going well. I am writing to provide you with some preliminary information about the Contemporary Ethical Theory course that I am teaching this fall, in which you are enrolled.

Recently I finalized the syllabus, and I've posted it to the course web site, at Also at that site is an Excel spreadsheet for grade computations; and as the semester goes on, I'll post other documents there such as paper assignments and information about tests.

I'll also be using Blackboard, to enable you to download PDF files of some of the readings for the course. (But I'll try to hand out hard copies in class, so that you don't have to worry about the PDF files if you don't want to.) I don't think the folks who run KU's Blackboard system will "populate" the Fall 2010 courses on Blackboard until the middle of the month, but if you would like for me to add you manually now, I might be able to do that, so let me know if you'd like for me to try.

Although some of the readings will be available for download on Blackboard, most are contained in a textbook that is mentioned on the syllabus, so please keep in mind the need to buy that in the next couple of weeks. It costs around $50, and I think it will be the only thing you need to buy for this class.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to seeing you on Friday, August 20.


Professor Eggleston

Ben Eggleston
3071 Wescoe Hall
(785) 864-2332
mailing address:
Department of Philosophy
3090 Wescoe Hall
1445 Jayhawk Blvd.
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045