Spring 2012
Biology 420 / Philosophy 500:
The Ethics of Scientific Research
Course documents:
Course-related items in the news:
“The Deadliest Virus”
(New Yorker article about controversy over potentially dangerous bird-flu research, March 12, 2012)
“Deception at Duke”
(60 Minutes story about data falsification in cancer research, February 12, 2012)
January 19, 2012:
Today I sent the following e-mail message to all enrolled students:
From: Eggleston, Ben
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:03 PM
To: BIOL420 (62664) Sp12 - DL
Subject: The Ethics of Scientific Research - preliminary information
Dear students enrolled in The Ethics of Scientific Research,
With our first class approaching, next Monday, I wanted to mention that I have posted the syllabus for our course on the web site I’ve set up for our course, at http://web.ku.edu/~utile/courses/esr3. The syllabus gives information about the book we’ll be using in our course (I’ve asked the bookstore to stock it, and you can also order it online), as well as other readings, most of which will be available on the Blackboard site for the course. I believe that everyone enrolled in the course automatically has access to the Blackboard site for the course, but if you do not have access, please let me know, and I’ll try to get that fixed.
I’m looking forward to our course - see you next week.
Best wishes,
Ben Eggleston
Course description (as of January 19, 2012):
This course will be a survey of the main ethical issues in scientific research. Topics to be covered include data fabrication, data falsification, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, data management, mentor and trainee responsibilities, collaborative research, authorship and publication, peer review, animal experimentation, and human experimentation.