University of Kansas, Spring 2010
Biology 420: Seminar: The Ethics of Scientific Research
Philosophy 500: Studies in Philosophy: The Ethics of Scientific Research

The Ethics of Scientific Research—preliminary notice

October 12, 2009

About this document

I plan to have this page posted here while I work on the syllabus. Once I have the syllabus posted on this web site (, I may delete this page.

Course overview

This course will be a survey of the main ethical issues in scientific research. Topics to be covered include data integrity, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, institutional review boards, and protection of human and animal subjects.

The course will meet weekly, on Tuesdays from 11:00 to 11:50.

You’ll need to buy the following book: Research Ethics: A Reader, edited by Deni Elliott and Judy E. Stern (University Press of New England, 1997). I have asked the bookstore to order this book, and you can also buy it online. Here is the link to it on