Fall 2016
Philosophy 880, Topics in Ethics:
Consequentialism and Legal Theory
Course documents:
syllabus (August 16)
provisional syllabus (April 25) (superseded by the August 16 version)
August 16, 2016:
Today I sent the following e-mail message to all enrolled students:
From: Eggleston, Ben
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 9:15 PM
To: PHIL880{25864}Fa16 [and auditors]
Subject: Consequentialism and Legal Theory - introductory information
Dear students in my Consequentialism and Legal Theory seminar,
I am writing to let you know that I have posted the syllabus for our course on the course website, at http://www.benegg.net/courses/conseq4. It is somewhat revised from the provisional syllabus I distributed on April 25; the biggest changes include the addition of a writing assignment (a 1,500-word paper, with a revision in response to feedback), the addition of reading questions for the readings in the legal theory part of the course, and some slight reductions in the reading assignments for that part of the course.
At the Blackboard site for the course, the “Course Documents” section includes some chapters on consequentialism from a couple of textbooks that are widely used in introductory ethics classes. If you have not mastered such material in the past, I urge you to read some or all of those chapters before our first class next Tuesday, so that you will be better prepared for reading the book and articles that we will use to study consequentialism at a more advanced level.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I would be glad to communicate with you either by email or in my office.
April 25, 2016:
Today I sent the following e-mail message to all Philosophy graduate students:
From: Eggleston, Ben
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 10:28 AM
To: PhilGradStudents - DL
Subject: Fall 2016 Consequentialism and Legal Theory seminar information
Dear grad students,
Some of you have asked me about the Consequentialism and Legal Theory seminar I will be teaching this fall. I have written a provisional syllabus, and it is attached to this email. Also, I have put the reading for the course (beyond the one textbook – on that, see below) on the course Blackboard site. If you would like access to the Blackboard site, let me know, and I’ll be glad to add you.
The one textbook is Contemporary Ethics: Taking Account of Utilitarianism, by William H. Shaw. New copies of this book are expensive, but for the past few months I have been buying inexpensive used copies online, to sell to students at cost (between $7 and $13 for the seven I’ve bought so far). If you are interested in buying one of those copies of the book, feel free to come by my office and look at the options.