University of Pittsburgh, Summer 1999
Philosophy 1380: Business Ethics
C.L. G13—Mondays, 6 p.m. to 8:55 p.m.
Ben Eggleston—

General Policies

1.         What if I have to miss class unexpectedly?

most important thing is this: Do not get behind. Look at the syllabus to see what’s on the agenda for the next class; then go to the Web site and check the “Announcements” page. If there’s something due in the next class, look on the Web site to see whether there’s a handout or some clarification of the assignment that you should know about.

In general, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about what you have missed or what’s coming up.

2.         What if I turn something in late?

Then the grade for that assignment will be lowered half a letter grade per business day late. For example, a B paper due on a Thursday but not turned in until the following Monday would receive a grade of C. Exceptions to this penalty rule may be made when work is late because of factors you could not reasonably be expected to anticipate or control, such as an illness or a family emergency. In any case, turn it in as soon as possible, by putting it in my mailbox (the box marked EGGLESTON in room 1001 of the Cathedral of Learning) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Also, e-mail me, to let me know that you’ve turned it in. Then I’ll know to contact you if there’s some mix-up and it’s not in my box.

3.         What if I know in advance that I’ll need to turn something in late? Can I get an extension?

Yes—I do not mind giving extensions when they are requested in advance. (Last-minute requests for extensions, on the other hand, are rarely granted.)